Sunday 19 April 2020


Hi guys!!!

Congratulations for your work last week. All of you did it quite well. Now, this week, I invite you all to work with Direct and Indirect or Reported Speech. (indirect speech and reported speech is the same).

First of all, to understand how it works and when we use it, please go to your grammar appendix in your workbook on page 108 and read the explanation carefully.

To work with Reported Speech, we are going to deal with :

  1. STATEMENTS (oraciones afirmativas)
  2. YES-NO QUESTIONS ( oraciones interrogativas con las que respondes con sí o no)
  3. WH-QUESTIONS ( oraciones interrogativas que llevan un pronombre interrogativo)
  4. ORDERS, COMMANDS, INSTRUCTIONS ( oraciones imperativas, órdenes, mandatos, peticiones)
To make a reported speech sentence, the introductory verb always is used in PAST TENSE.
Please, pay attention to changes in VERBAL TENSES, PRONOUNS, ADVERBS.

To illustrate this explanation and your workbook explanation, here you are two videos for you to understand better:

In your book, you only work with Reported Speech in statements that is what is asked for your level. So this week, we are going to work with STATEMENTS. Please, do exercises 1, 2,3,4 on page 66 from your student´s book and exercises 5 and 8 on page 67. Deadline: 25 th April.

When you finish doing your homework, please send me a screen shoot or capture to my email or mobile phone.

Good luck guys and let me know all your doubts.


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