Monday 21 October 2019


Hi everybody!!!

We start a new unit titled "THAT´S A LAUGH". To break the ice I want you to make a comment on the blog sharing the moments in your life in which something or someone make you laugh a lot.

That is the first activity for our new unit.

I wish you all a very nice week. Don´t forget laughing and smiling....Life with a positive and optimistic view is much more better.




  1. Hello Ascen!
    I am Ramón García.
    I'm going to tell you two hysterical things that makes me laugh a lot.
    First, when we were reading "El sí de la niñas" at Spanish class, appeared a women called "Circuncision", an operation of the male reproductive organ. 😂
    Also, I laughed a lot when I went to Italy on a Erasmus project. We were in Rome and there were seagulls, so we fed them and I ran scared because a seagull ate my sandwich next to my head!😆
    I hope that you laugh also with this funny moments.

  2. Hi Ascen! I will tell you one of my embarrassing moments.
    I like to go with my parents to buy in Salamanca, one day, my mother stayed behind and I didn't realize it, so I hid in a hallway to scare my mother, and it turned out that she wasn't my mother������I didn't know where to go at that moment.��


    Beatriz de las Heras Vicente

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hello Ascen, a very fun experience for me was:
    It happened 2 days ago, we were in TIC, and on my keyboard there were changed keys, so Jaime went to get one and use so much force that the key flew out and hit him in the face, but Jaime was not done hurt.
    It was so funny that I almost cried from laughter.

  5. Lucía said,

    Hi Ascen I’m Lucia and I’m going to tell you a very funny moment.
    Last week, I was with my family in the living room watching tv and I saw something strange on the floor... Then, I went to catch it and when it was in my hand it turns out that it was a dog poop... My dog’s poop!!!! 😂😂😂

  6. Beatriz Vicente said,

    “There were a lot of moments that made me laugh 😂:
    For example, there are many funny people in my life over all: my grandfather Peter 👨🏼‍🦳.
    Since I have gone to his house to the end of the day he always made me laugh with many jokes and silly things for example: he tell me stories when he was a kid like he stole her mother’s chocolates and all antics he did with his sister, but the best thing it's the way he counts them ... as if he were a child. He always smile and see all positive; he rarely get angry.
    I love my grandfather

  7. Elena Gallego said,

    Hi Ascen!!
    Last year I was with some friends one summer night we were going down the bridge down some stairs when suddenly a boy slipped and fell down.
    It was really a funny moment for others but not so much for him

  8. hi asce
    The time I've laughed the most has been once being with my friends playing a pediment we threw a ball into the air and it's right at the head of one of them and he didn't even I almost died of laughter

  9. Hi Ascen!
    I'm Jose manuel
    This Saturday I laughed a lot. I was in the football field watching a football match with my friends, when a football player went to hit the ball and he got tangled up in the goal net. The football player fell to the ground and he couldn't hit the ball.

  10. Hi Ascen, I'm Carlos Barba.
    This weekend I laughed a lot when my mother told my sister "I'm not interested" and she replied "She is not a criminal"

  11. Alejandro Zurdo said,

    Hi Ascen
    I am going to tell you a history I laughed a lot .
    It was one night this summer, we are with the bikes in the village and then a friend stopped with the front brake and took a turn in the air, I could not laugh anymore in my life.
