Monday 1 June 2020


Hi guys!!!

We are about to finish this "weird, bizarre" academic, my intention is to finish this term with a final project titled : AROUND THE WORLD  as the title of unit 8 in your student´s book. I know that you are overwhelmed with lots of tasks from all subjects, that is the reason why these last 15 days I only want you to do this project.

To design this project you should follow these guidelines:

  1. First, choose or select a country you would like to visit and read information about it.
  2. Elaborate a video or presentation, I don´t mind the format, to deal with the following aspects:
  • Typical greetings in that country.
  • How community life is.
  • Religion and values of their society.
  • Symbols they have.
  • Folklore
  • Stereotypes.
  • Customs, beliefs, superstitions and rituals.
  • Festivals, public holidays and celebrations
  • Weddings, processions and other ceremonies
  • Social trends.

This presentation should have written text as it is not going to be an oral presentation but if someone wants to record a video with images and orally explaining each photo, you can do it. Feel free to do it as you want dealing the vast majority of issues I have told you above. Minimum 10 slides, maximum 20.

Deadline would be: 18th June

Good Luck guys!!! Let me know all your doubts and take care a lot!!!

Tuesday 26 May 2020


Hi everybody!!

I guess you are a little fed up with this situation and with all teachers asking you for more exercises and more practice and etc...This week we are going to deal with all grammar concepts we have learnt throughout this course but with on-line practice.

Relative pronouns:


Passive voice:

Reported Speech:

Please, send me a screen shot or screen capture of the things you have practiced in each section. I want you to practice as many exercises as you want but send me all you have done. You are not obliged to do all of them in each section but I want you to practice at least one exercise in each part.  Deadline: 5th JUNE.

If you have any doubts, please, let me know.

One month to finish try to do your best!!!

Take care a lot!!!

Monday 18 May 2020


Hi everybody!!!

Now, we start a new grammar unit with a new topic: RELATIVE PRONOUNS.

To understand all this stuff related to relative pronouns you have to take into consideration the explanation in your student´s book page 78, grammar appendix in your workbook page 110 and a video with an explanation about it. When you finish checking all this grammar resources, you have any doubts, please, let me know...I will be there to answer all your questions.

To train with this relative pronouns, please do exercises 1,3,4,5,6 on pages 78 and 79. Deadline 25th May.

Good luck guys!!! Take care a lot!!!

Wednesday 13 May 2020


Hi guys!!

I hope HEALTH shines at home and in your families. Let´s stop now for a while and make a quick review of the grammar concepts we have studied during this academic year.

Till the end of this week, could you please do REVIEW 2 exercises number 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 pages 72,73.

Please, check grammar if you do not remember how some concept of grammar works and then, let me know all your doubts ok??

Deadline: 18th May

When you finish with this review, we will start studying RELATIVE CLAUSES.



Monday 4 May 2020


Hi everybody!!!

We are about to finish Reported Speech work. This week, we will work with commands and requests. I think they are the easiest ones.
As other weeks, first we will watch a video with their explanation and then, I will tell you what to do:

To put in practice what you have watched at the video, please do exercises from the photocopy I gave you from sentence 29 till sentence 40. Deadline: 8th May.

To review again and finish with the photocopy, please do also exercises about statements. From sentence 1 to sentence 12. Deadline 8th May

Let´s continue with some cultural bytes at this coronavirus period. This time about London. Listen and watch the video please:

I want you to give me some WRITTEN OR ORAL feedback about two main aspects:

  1. Your opinion about this video that is London from a different perspective
  2. And if You would like to visit London and why, giving me some of your reasons
Deadline: 9th May

Take care a lot and BFN!!

Saturday 25 April 2020


Hi everybody!!!

Almost all of you have understood how Reported Speech works at statements. Let´s move on now to work with yes-no questions and wh-questions in Reported Speech during this week.

You should refresh your mind and remember:

  1. The introductory verb in a reported speech is always in PAST TENSE.
  2. In terms of questions the verb more common used is in past, the verb: ASKED.
  3. The sentence order changes in reported speech questions and it works as if the sentence were affirmative.

You can see this video above to understand how questions work when we are reproducing what other people say. (As there are some of you who didn´t understand clearly the explanation about statements, I looked for a video in Spanish with examples in English) Here it is.

Do you remember that I gave you a photocopy with some exercises to practise with Reported Speech?? I want you to do these exercises, only the ones related to yes-no questions and wh-questions. I don´t have the photocopy with me at home, could anyone take a picture of these exercises  and send it to our whatsapp group, just in case someone missed it as me. Thanks a lot. Deadline: 1st May.

Working only with grammar is so boring so let´s do a cultural activity.

I want you to listen to this video about the concept of survival and learn new vocabulary as well. When you finish listening, please send me a composition talking about what you understand by SURVIVAL and your experiences in your life about it. Deadline: 1st May

I hope you and your families will be ok. Let me know if you have any problems or any doubts.

Good luck!! BFN!! Take care a lot!!

Sunday 19 April 2020


Hi guys!!!

Congratulations for your work last week. All of you did it quite well. Now, this week, I invite you all to work with Direct and Indirect or Reported Speech. (indirect speech and reported speech is the same).

First of all, to understand how it works and when we use it, please go to your grammar appendix in your workbook on page 108 and read the explanation carefully.

To work with Reported Speech, we are going to deal with :

  1. STATEMENTS (oraciones afirmativas)
  2. YES-NO QUESTIONS ( oraciones interrogativas con las que respondes con sí o no)
  3. WH-QUESTIONS ( oraciones interrogativas que llevan un pronombre interrogativo)
  4. ORDERS, COMMANDS, INSTRUCTIONS ( oraciones imperativas, órdenes, mandatos, peticiones)
To make a reported speech sentence, the introductory verb always is used in PAST TENSE.
Please, pay attention to changes in VERBAL TENSES, PRONOUNS, ADVERBS.

To illustrate this explanation and your workbook explanation, here you are two videos for you to understand better:

In your book, you only work with Reported Speech in statements that is what is asked for your level. So this week, we are going to work with STATEMENTS. Please, do exercises 1, 2,3,4 on page 66 from your student´s book and exercises 5 and 8 on page 67. Deadline: 25 th April.

When you finish doing your homework, please send me a screen shoot or capture to my email or mobile phone.

Good luck guys and let me know all your doubts.