Monday 4 May 2020


Hi everybody!!!

We are about to finish Reported Speech work. This week, we will work with commands and requests. I think they are the easiest ones.
As other weeks, first we will watch a video with their explanation and then, I will tell you what to do:

To put in practice what you have watched at the video, please do exercises from the photocopy I gave you from sentence 29 till sentence 40. Deadline: 8th May.

To review again and finish with the photocopy, please do also exercises about statements. From sentence 1 to sentence 12. Deadline 8th May

Let´s continue with some cultural bytes at this coronavirus period. This time about London. Listen and watch the video please:

I want you to give me some WRITTEN OR ORAL feedback about two main aspects:

  1. Your opinion about this video that is London from a different perspective
  2. And if You would like to visit London and why, giving me some of your reasons
Deadline: 9th May

Take care a lot and BFN!!

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