Monday 16 October 2017


Hi guys!!!

As we have already read in class, we have learnt how to write a blog entry now, it is your turn!!!

Bear in mind:

In a personal blog, we often use informal language, such as contractions, everyday expressions and informal punctuation, such as brackets, dashes, elipses, exclamation marks and emoticons.

A possible structure for your blog entry could be:

Paragraph 1:
  • Place visited
  • Who went
Paragraph 2:

  • Places
  • Activities
Paragraph 3:

  • Opinion

Now guys is your have to write a personal blog entry about a day out including information about places you visited, the people you were with and your activities. You should also express personal opinions about the activities.

Deadline 20th October.


  1. Last summer I was a week in Salou with my cousins, and my parents. The first day we visited portaventura, I had a great time.The attraction that I liked best was dragon kan. On the second day we visited the beach of cambridge. The third day we visited the lighthouse of Salou.
    I had a great time, I recommend you go to Salou because it is a very fun city, in which you will never get bored.

  2. This summer I travelled to Romania with my family, and stayed a month.
    We visited many places: the black ocean, Dracula's castle, a famous and big mountain ...
    We celebrated the wedding of my parents, I bought a lot of clothes and more...
    I had a great time, and I recommend going to Romania because it is a nice country, and you will have a great time.

  3. hello boys!
    This summer I was 4 days in Benidorm, went with my cousin to house of my aunt. The first day we went to visit my cousin, who was living close to the beach. The second day we went to Acualandia, a water park. The third day we went to the beach of the Levant. And last day we visit the old town. I spent it very well and it would repeat it again.

  4. Hi guys!
    This summer i have been in Barcelona three days. I went with my cousin to a hotel. The first day we went to see the Camp Nou, it was very big and very nice. The second day we went to the beach because It was very Hot. Finally the third day we turned in bus to Monleras and we were late 10 hours. I spent It to myself very well and It was an unforgettable experiencie.

  5. Hello this summer I went to Gijón, the first day I went to the beach and the second I went to see the sporting football stadium in Gijón. I had a great time. :)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hi guys!!
    This summer I was 7 days in Huelva.I went with my cousins and my uncles to a house near the beach. At the mornings we visited Huelva, the Cathedral... At the evenings we went to the beach. Huelva is a special site, I reccomended you to visit. I had a great time in Huelva!!

  8. Hello this summer I was six days un Palma de Mayorca I went with my parents I visited the catheral and the beach and the Palma cuty it was amazing

  9. In my holidays I visited Tenerife.
    I was there with my parents, my uncles, my sister and my cousins, we had a great time!
    We were there for eight days, the first day we visited the Teide National Park, the second we were on the beach and later we visited the Auditorio de Tenerife, the third day we spent all afternoon on the beach and at night we were in the pool Hotel was great! On the fourth day we went on sea excursion on a boat rather large to see from the water The Cliffs of Los Gigantes. On the fifth day we did not do much, we were in the hotel pool and on the beach almost all day ... On the sixth day we visited the Loro Park, it was very beautiful and interesting, and on the seventh and eighth day we were resting on the beach.
    It was great and we had a really great time! I hope to return there soon and repeat the experience.

  10. In my holidays I visited Tenerife.
    I was there with my parents, my uncles, my sister and my cousins, we had a great time!
    We were there for eight days, the first day we visited the Teide National Park, the second we were on the beach and later we visited the Auditorio de Tenerife, the third day we spent all afternoon on the beach and at night we were in the pool Hotel was great! On the fourth day we went on sea excursion on a boat rather large to see from the water The Cliffs of Los Gigantes. On the fifth day we did not do much, we were in the hotel pool and on the beach almost all day ... On the sixth day we visited the Loro Park, it was very beautiful and interesting, and on the seventh and eighth day we were resting on the beach.
    It was great and we had a really great time! I hope to return there soon and repeat the experience.

  11. My vacations have been normal. The first few days I got up early due to school hours. As I said before my holidays have been normal, because I have not traveled anywhere except one day I went to Zamora and another I went to Valladolid. In short, I was shopping in the mall of both places.

    In the evenings I was with the friends walking around the town and speaking most of the time that we elect elective in this course

  12. Hello!!
    in my last vacations I went with my friends to London.
    when everyone went to visit london one of my three friends was silent and broke the tibia and perone then we could not see anything from london and the trip was "bad" because we could not do anything.

  13. Hi!
    This summer I went to France with my family for a week. The two first days we were near Burdeos, on the pilat dune. We walked to the highest part of the dune and then my sister and I ran down (my parents tried...). It was very fun :-). The other days we were in the french pyrenees and I loved it too. I forgot, of course we went to the beach!
    I really enjoyed my holidays

  14. I liked the last summer, I went to Italy in my holidays. I enjoyed un Venice and I was in my village the rest of the time playing football or swimming with my friends

  15. This summer I go to many cities of Castilla y Leon. I visit Zamora with my family, I had a great day. As well, I visit Segovia, I saw the aqueduct with my family. Ps: The food in Segovia is delicious.

  16. David Vicente said,

    I was in Salamanca with my uncle and in my village with my friends in the swimming pool and playing football

  17. David Vicente said,

    I was in Salamanca with my uncle and in my village with my friends in the swimming pool and playing football

  18. David Vicente said,

    I was in Salamanca with my uncle and in my village with my friends in the swimming pool and playing football

  19. I'am glad to read the whole content of this blog and am very excited,Thank you for sharing good topic.

