Wednesday 18 January 2017


Hi guys!!!

We start a new and quite interesting unit related to ECOLOGY in our daily life. To introduce this topic you are going to watch the videos I´m uploading below and you have to make a comment telling us how ecological you are in your everyday life and the things you like most about these videos. Ask yourself a few questions:

  1. Do I respect the environment?
  2. Do I put in practise the three "R"?
  3. Do I have ecological habits?


  1. 1-Yes, quite a lot
    2-I dont know
    3-Yes but not many

  2. Hi, I'm Javier, The videos about recycling seem good to me, recycling is a very important thing for the environment.
    1: It depends, we recycle something
    2: I do not fulfill the rule of the three R
    3: Yes

  3. The videos are good to realize that you have to take care of the medium

    1: yes
    2: I don't Noé
    3: sometimes

  4. Hi ascen! I think that the videos are very interesting, because people don't know how important is the enviorement, we should to recycle more and more, respect the animals and plants un our wolrd and think if the live we have now is good or not, in my opinion we should change our minds and our habits.
    1- yes.
    2- yees.
    3- of cours.

    1. I think some interesting videos had to take care of the environment more
      2-yes-but not always

  5. To be honest.. I don't recycle at all...
    I sometimes have ecological habits but I think the things I do don't help the enviroment like they used to. And my answer for the questions are: 1-I do, but no like I used to. 2-No, I don't. 3-I have some ecological habits but only four or five that don't help the most to the enviroment.

  6. Hello Ascen, I'm Zaira.
    The videos are very interesting, and I think everyone should recycle more.

    1.- Yes, it's something everyone should do.
    2.- I do not usually meet the rule.
    3.- no

  7. Hi Ascen, i´m María Elena.
    The videos have seemed curious, especially the second because it was more entertaining.
    1-Yes, I do.
    2-Yes, I do.

  8. Hi, in my opinion the videos are very interesting because it's very important look after the enviroment.

    1- Yes, I do
    2- Yes, I do
    3- Sometimes

  9. Hi Ascen!!! I think the videos are very interesting. Is very important to respect the environment.
    1.- Yes, I do
    2.- Not always
    3.- Not many

  10. hello Ascen, This videos are interesting and instructives. I think is very important respect the environment because we live here, in the air.
    1.- Yes, I do.
    2.- Yes, of course.
    3.- Yes, it´s so important

  11. Hello!
    ooow! This videos are fantastic. Many times I have wondered: "what happened with the trash that we recycle?" and now, with the first video... I now. It's very educatational and interesting. The other video are more fun than the first. But the bad thing about the video is that... Its content is true: "THE HUMANS ARE DESTROYING OUR PLANET"

    1.~ Yes, I do
    2.~ Yes! I can Reduce, Recycle and Reuse
    3.~ Yes I do... or so I think

  12. Hi ascen! I think the vídeos are so interesting, they are a good form to inspire the people for reciclying in our Life, And respect our enviroment. Probably, im not the best with the recycling, but i do all the things for a better future years,for animals And humans.
    With respect the answers;
    1. Of course, I love it and a fotos form yo respect it, Is be in a society, like WWE, for example.
    2. Yes, i do It, not always.. but sometimes Yes.
    3. Not at all, but i really want yo do better un mundo future.
    See You soon!!

  13. Hi Ascen,I'm Aarón
    1.Yes, I do
    2.Not always
    3. Sometimes

  14. Hello people, Im Maria.

    I really like this videos, the animation are very funy 😂jajaja.

    1- Yes, I do
    2- Mmm yes...
    3- yeeesss... I recicle paper.., water... ;b 😎

    Bye Ascen, SYL people..

    Bye bye ^-^

  15. Sara wrote;

    It´s Sarah. I think ecology and recycle are very important...We only have "one Earth" and we must protect it!! I try to be ecological in my daily life...a simple gesture everyday can change big things!!
    I like this type of videos because they are raising awareness.
    Asking your questions, I have ecologycal habits and practise the three "R"


  16. Sofía wrote,

    Hi Ascen! I´m Sofía.

    I like ecology because we help the environment to be careful and not worse.

    1. I respect the environment.
    2. I put into practise the three "R" ( Reduce, Recycle and Reuse)
    3. I have ecology habits. I have a special rubbish of different types of plastic, papers, organics...

  17. The blog are the best that is extremely useful to keep.
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    I am very comfortable and pleased to come here. Thank you very much.
