Wednesday 9 November 2016


Hi everybody!!!

Did you follow last TV news about American  Elections. Finally, Trump won and we would like to live this result with some hope and credibility... however, we feel some fear to know how Trump´s background can influence decisions and how these decisions can be taken in a crazy way....having global consequences. Good luck Americans, good luck world!!!!
Anyway, I would like to know your own opinion about these results. Probably you do not like politics but in any aspect of our life we are influenced by what is your point of view about this situation. Let us know... I will be more than happy to discuss these aspects with you in class. Do not forget watching this video with different opinions about the future coming from Trump and Clinton supporters. 



  1. I hate Trump he´s a racist, a male chauvinist. America can only go to worse whith this man as president. I´m very disappointed

  2. Hello again, I´m Sofía.
    I don´t like to Trump has left President because he is a racist and a sexist.
    I think Trump will do crazy things that nobody likes.

    I would like that Hillary Clinton had left President.

    Anyway, I hate politics.


  3. Hi! Im Rebe!!
    I really hate to Donald trump. He thinks women are his slaves and that not true. We have got the same rights than the other people,as chinese people or African people; why not?
    I think the world with trump is going to dissapear, one day when trump get up in the morning instead of puss the bottom from the microwafe he puss the bottom from a nuclear bomb...
    I think clinton is better... i like the polític, but with a limit... A little bit of everything in this life is not bad..

  4. Hi, I'm Carmen. I do not like politics but I'm not sure that this guy left there, bye

  5. Hellow, I'm Sandra
    I don't love talk about politics but this is important for the future of the world, because; When United States of America "coughs" the world "caught a cold".
    I think:There are better people for lead the first world power.

  6. Sara wrote

    "Hello everybody!!

    It's Sarah!

    I don't like so much politics, but the American Elections were very important....

    I'm totally according to you; it's a very difficult job and the decisions will have serious consequences...

    I think Donald Trump isn't qualified to be the President of the USA... But it's the decision of millions of Americans. Now, we must to respect it.

    The ideas of Donald are sexists and racists... But I think he will change...

    I hope he will use this charge to make the world better, "Make America great" and find peace for everyone.-

  7. Hi again! It´s Dalia.
    I was very surprised when I knew the new, because I think is incredible.
    Millions of people from America voted this man. Why?
    Lets think ,do you know he is a racist and a sexist?
    We are all the same.
    We should keep the hope, but everyone knows that America moves the world ...
    So, pray for our countries.

  8. I hate Trump He doesn't know anything about politics. He's very racist.We'll see what happens

  9. Hello ascen! I´m Naza.
    I am disappointed by these elections. I think that Trump is the worst President that there was in USA. I hope that he changes opinion and stop thinking so.

  10. Hello!!!
    I hate trump is a sexist and a racist.
    I do not think what he wants to do and what he says in television interviews.
    I would have preferred to leave Hillary Clinton or President Obama had been.

  11. Hello I'm Adrian.
    I hate Trump because I desagree with many of his ideas and he is very racist and male chauvinist.

  12. ¡Hi!����

    The truth, I do not think the best option, but Hilary was not. He spent the entire election campaign sticking with Trump, not saying he wanted to do, without showing a little that she deserved to be chosen. Trump said what he wanted to do, he was sincere, and despite being a racist, a macho, and the worst person in America, Americans wanted him out, and with a majority.

    But, the Spaniards can not complain much. In our country has emerged a president similar to Trump, a corrupt party,franquis and painful, with a regrettable education and with fewer doors for the future of Spanish students.

  13. Hi. IM Maria
    I need kill Donal Trump. It's a bad men. "How many people like mi idea??"
