Wednesday 16 November 2016


Hi guys!!!!

We are about to finish unit 2 which is related to laugh and jokes, that is why I have planned to design a comic to show the classroom the funniest stories or experiences you´ve ever had in your life.

The steps to follow are:

1) Decide with your group your setting and the story you want to tell the classroom

2) You and your mates are going to be the main characters of this story which could be real or not, so select or choose photos of yourself to be included at your comic.

3) Go to publisher programme and there try to design your story. You will be given two hours at computing room to finish this project.

Deadline is on Thursday, 1st December.

Good luck guys and hope you enjoy this project!!!!

Wednesday 9 November 2016


Hi everybody!!!

Did you follow last TV news about American  Elections. Finally, Trump won and we would like to live this result with some hope and credibility... however, we feel some fear to know how Trump´s background can influence decisions and how these decisions can be taken in a crazy way....having global consequences. Good luck Americans, good luck world!!!!
Anyway, I would like to know your own opinion about these results. Probably you do not like politics but in any aspect of our life we are influenced by what is your point of view about this situation. Let us know... I will be more than happy to discuss these aspects with you in class. Do not forget watching this video with different opinions about the future coming from Trump and Clinton supporters. 


Saturday 5 November 2016


Dear all,

Here you are the final results of your Halloween exhibition. Well done!!! Creativity, imagination and  a great effort were put in practice in the design of your pumpkin. Happy as well with some of  your videos and presentations of the process while making the pumpkin. Sad for those of you who did not make the effort to do it properly....Anyway I would like to know if  you enjoyed the activity?? I want you to make any comments or your own opinion about how you lived this project and this competition.


Here you are the video with the winners. This video was made by Robin J. Birbaum, a teacher from USA: Watch it and pay attention to her american accent, quite different to British one.

This video is the best presentation in class of the Halloween competition!! It was made by Sara and Carmen. I hope you enjoy it!!!