Monday 29 April 2019


Hi guys!!!!

We face our last project of this academic course. I hope you enjoy it and you can put into practice all the stuff we have learnt throughout this year.

We are going to plan a TV SHOW. Our UNAMUNIAN TV SHOW.

We are going to work in PAIRS. Both persons in the pairing have to think together and both of them have to present their section to the rest of people in the classroom.

Characterization and decoration are going to be taking into consideration for your final mark.

The Sections are going to be the following ones:

GOSSIPING SECTION: Lucas, Beatriz and Alejandra

ACTIVITIES SECTION: Paula, Lucía, Ignacio and Rodrigo

INTERVIEW SECTION:Carla, Desirée and Ricardo

SPORTS SECTION: Diego, Isabel, and Jonathan

We will talk about these section´s contents in the next class and we will even define some deadlines.

I hope you enjoy this last experience of your stay at our MIGUEL DE UNAMUNO HIGH SCHOOL.
