Sunday 3 February 2019


Hi everybody!!!

Here we are with a new and quite interesting project for you all. Its title is: REAL SITUATIONS AT TEENS LIFE.

I think you know this matter probably better than me. Anyway, we are going to deal with it from different perspectives. Just follow some guidelines and I keep fingers crossed waiting for a brilliant final result.

As I told you before, we face this topic from different points of view so, first of all you are going to elaborate a survey using google forms, that is going to be distributed among all students at school. Each group is going to share out its survey in a students´level class at our High School.

In this survey, you must ask information from these aspects: relationships (family and friends), free time and interests, future life.

When you get your information, you will elaborate a summary presentation to our class and at the last slide of this will say your wishes and conditions to reach a happy life as teenager in our current society.

To finish this project, you will make a research of teens life in other continents apart from Europe. We will decide this issue in our classroom.. You will use Genially tool. So, first of all we will watch a tutorial of how to use it and your final report about teens life in other places of the world will be designed throughout this digital tool and Reported Speech is required to be used.

Good luck guys and I hope you enjoy it. Our Monday lessons from now on, will be dedicated to this project.