Tuesday 25 April 2017


Hi guys!!!

This academic year is almost finished....time flies...but before finishing, Let´s plan our last project related to the adventure you are going to live in a week: your trip to Malta.

The only thing you must do during your trip is taking loads of pictures of the aspects or things that impressed you most.

When you come back from your trip you have to make a presentation no matter the frame and the format, the one you feel comfortable telling the rest of your classmates, the best moments of this trip and the things you learn or impressed you most or even the differences between this country and ours in terms of customs, traditions, food, timetable whatever you consider remarkable.

Deadline for this presentation: 5th June.

Have an unforgettable trip guys and enjoy a lot!!!


Saturday 1 April 2017

Let´s work with our reading: CLASSIC GHOST STORIES!!!

Hi guys!!!!!

By this time, you should have read the obligatory book for this year titled "CLASSIC GHOST STORIES" shouldn´t you???
In order to know if you have read it or not you must elaborate a brief and precise essay with the following stuff:

1-A glossary with the expressions you have learnt in each story.
2-A summary of each story.
3-Your opinion about the book
And finally,
4-You should invent another ending for each story.

This is an individual work and if you copy from your classmates you will be penalized at your final mark.

Deadline for this work: 27th April.

Good luck guys and happy Easter holidays!!!